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Virtual Bulletin Board

About Huntley 158’s Virtual Bulletin Board (VBB)

Huntley 158 values its community partnerships and is committed to sharing information about local activities, programs and events for students and families. To participate in the district's Virtual Bulletin Board (VBB), organizations must be a local non-profit or taxing body based in Huntley 158 boundaries or the surrounding community.

How to submit a flyer:

To submit a program or event for inclusion on Huntley 158’s Virtual Bulletin Board:

  • Email your event flyer to Kimmie Moore, Communications Specialist, at and include “VBB” in the subject line.
  • Flyers must be in PNG or PDF format.
  • To ensure accessibility for all, flyers must be accompanied by a brief description of the event that includes the name of your event, date, time, location, call to action/website link (if applicable) as well as contact information.
  • Information must be for school-aged children and/or families and flyers must have the sponsoring organization’s name prominently displayed. Information must make no claim of being sponsored or endorsed by Huntley Community School District 158.

Additional information:

  • Requests must be approved by the District and comply with Board Policy 8:25 as established by Huntley Community School District 158.
  • Please allow two business days for posts to appear on the website. Posts will be removed after the event date passes on a monthly basis.